
Protect the Environment Balance Environmental Considerations With Sales Activities

We believe that understanding the risks and opportunities that could affect our business activities, such as the occurrence of extreme weather events attributed to climate change or the disruption of supply chains due to natural disasters, and implementing countermeasures accordingly will enhance the resilience of our management base. At the same time, we will promote sustainable management that balances business growth and environmental considerations by recognizing the impact of climate change on our business and appropriately disclosing information to our stakeholders.

Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050  

Climate change is not only a global issue, but also one of the most important risks to our business, threatens soaring raw material prices and supply chain disruptions caused by large-scale natural disasters.

How we think about climate change

We support the goals of the Paris Agreement and aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Global warming is not only a global issue, but also one of the most important risks to our business, given that it threatens soaring raw material prices and supply chain disruptions caused by large-scale natural disasters. In addition to taking actions such as introducing LED lighting and installing solar power generation systems, we will incorporate greenhouse gas emission reduction plans and measures into our management plans based on our understanding of emissions throughout our own and other supply chains.

CO2 Emissions by Scope (t-CO2)

Financial impact related to climate change

We are working to disclose information in accordance with the framework of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Initiatives to reduce environmental impact at stores and offices

Reducing Environmental Impact at Stores

The REBAG PROJECT is designed to create a shopping style where customer use of their own shopping bags is a foregone conclusion. Since its launch in 2014, the initiative has reduced the number of shopping bags used by about 14 million over nine years. We have also switched to environmentally friendly components used in product delivery, including tags, shoe boxes, and shopping bags for the products we sell. Part of our efforts here include operating BAYFLOW stores in the interest of lower environmental impact by introducing hangers made of FSC materials* and using sample goods and scrap wood as fixtures.
*FSC materials: Wood from forests meeting forest management standards and certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)

Reducing Environmental Impact at the Head Office

Adastria has been engaged in the Office Optimization Project since 2019. This project, launched before the COVID-19 pandemic, aims to optimize office use and create an optimized, lean office environment. As part of our work-style reforms, we have been encouraging remote work, and our head office has successfully reduced CO2 emissions from electricity and air conditioning use by 34.8% (equivalent to 221 t-CO2) and copy paper use by 63.1% (equivalent to 22 t-CO2) compared to FY2019. In addition, wooden cutlery and paper plates are used in the A Café cafeteria in the head office to raise employees’ awareness of sustainability in their daily work.

Initiatives to prevent plastics from leaking into the ocean

In recent years, textile waste from clothing and other items has become one of the causes of marine pollution. As an apparel company, we recognize the importance of addressing this issue. One way we are working to resolve this through our businesses is the FIBER HOLD BAG, a laundry net that can reduce textile waste spillage by 80%*. FIBER HOLD BAG is made of a fabric with a finer mesh (0.05 mm) than normal nets, allowing it to trap minuscule sizes of textile waste and keep it from spilling out. This is a unique product to Adastria that not only helps prevent clothing deterioration from friction but also is more environmentally friendly during laundry.
*Spillage mitigation effects versus instances where no laundry net is used

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