Corporate Governance

Internal Control

Basic philosophy and system

We are further reinforcing our internal control system, based on the acknowledgment that it is an important responsibility of management to build and manage such a system that ensures business execution in compliance with laws and regulations.

Specific policies and status

Ensuring the Appropriateness of Operations

The Company endeavors to improve the soundness of business management, establishing a system supporting the appropriate execution of duties by Group company directors and employees ("Directors and Employees"), ensuring that the execution of duties by Directors and Employees complies with laws, regulations, and the Company's articles of incorporation, and that Directors and Employees comply with business ethics and their social responsibilities.

  • System to ensure that the execution of duties by directors and employees complies with laws, regulations, and the articles of incorporation
  • System for the storage and management of information pertaining to the execution of duties by directors
  • Regulations and other systems for the management of risk of losses
  • System to ensure efficient execution of duties by directors
  • System to ensure the appropriateness of the Group's operations
  • Structure for Reporting to the Audit and Supervisory Committee
  • System to ensure Individuals Reporting to the Audit and Supervisory Committee are not subjected to disadvantageous treatment
  • Other Systems to ensure that Internal Audits by the Audit and Supervisory Committee are performed effectively
  • Deliberation and maintenance of basic policies for the elimination of anti-social forces

Ensuring the Reliability of Financial Reporting

In accordance with the Internal Control Reporting System (Financial Instruments and Exchange Act), we have established systems to ensure that our financial reporting is carried out properly in accordance with laws and regulations, and operate them accordingly. Through company-wide internal control and the development and evaluation of business processes, we strive to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, preserve assets, comply with laws and regulations related to business activities, and ensure the reliability of financial reporting.